Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ironman 2011

I spent one night over a friend's house. She together with her husband- they're one of my favorite people in the world. For the sincerity, for simply being real, I love them both for being like that. She is the closest thing to being a sister to me when i used to work in a language school. Amazing is an understatement. Whatever i needed to learn as being a professional, and responsible woman, i seem to have gotten lots of sorts of advice from her. This time, she is offered a job to be consultant and supervisor in an online language school for a year. I am very happy and excited for her. What with the fact that she's going to meet a lot of people, and still do what she loves very much- baking. It is fantastic. To drop by her place was one of my plans before christmas but i had gone too busy it was impossible for me to do that. So i decided to spend one night with them as I have been away for ages so I thought I need to spend time with them to restore me, and catch up on conversations long overdue. And so was the case, I stepped into a luxurious home with barely a week's time for clean up short. Even so, I enjoyed being there, the smell of baking banana bread while having endless talks of one too many sensible things about politics, movies and technology. I love this couple very much. I wasn't spared from ironman or I should rather say, I was dawn into iron man, apparently their favorite movie to date. He will cosplay this character, In fact in January.
Tony stark is ironman played by Robert Downey jr. Pepper Potts is the secretary turned CEO played by gwyneth Paltrow. How truly unique indeed. Ironman is that character all endowed with arrogance, money, and good looks. It's easy to love him than hate him though. Apart from the fact that he is the good guy in the film, the audience is left as the omnipotent viewer. He speaks too fast in the film making me flinch for a few minutes. I just couldn't have missed every punch line he delivered only if he spoke slower and clearer. Downey played the character with so much bravado that he could leave girls both in the film and viewers sighing and giggling at his one sec look of once over.
He did display his irksome side when he threw that party with barely dressed girls. No other superhero could have shown such uncontrollable ill manners.
But I love him. They got me to love him and is great.
Together with Thor,captain America, avengers should be another blockbuster I'm going to see certainly.

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